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Andrew Jarman

Last played for Adelaide Crows in 1996
Born: January 14, 1966    
Playing Height: 177cm     Playing Weight: 91kg    
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Andrew Jarman Biography

Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Western Bulldogs draftee Declan Hamilton says he won't be weighed down by the pressure and expectation that comes with being the nephew of former AFL players Andrew and Darren Jarman.

"[The pressure] probably would have been talked about more if I had gone to the Crows perhaps," Hamilton said on Tuesday.

"I guess people are going to talk about it. I guess being in Melbourne helps, I'm looking forward to starting my career here at the Doggies and escaping the South Australian environment.

"Their footy careers are fairly well known so I just use them for a bit of guidance but try to keep to myself and not worry them too much. At the end of the day I can't control what they've done in their careers."

Friday, 21 September 2012
Andrew Jarman says he still regrets missing a simple, but crucial, set shot during the Crows' 1993 preliminary final against Essendon.

"I don't think I'll ever erase it or get rid of it, because you've got to take the opportunity there and then, and I'll never be able to bring that moment back," Jarman said.

"I felt at the time if I nailed the goal momentum would have swung back our way."

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