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Travis Tuck

Last played for Hawthorn Hawks in 2009
Games: 20     Born: September 7, 1987     Origin: Dandenong Stingrays
Playing Height: 188cm     Playing Weight: 88kg     Position: Midfield
Drafted: Round 3, Pick #38 2005 National Draft by Hawthorn Hawks
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Travis Tuck Biography

Friday, 1 February 2013
West Adelaide place media ban on recruit Travis Tuck for the 2013 season to shield him from questioning over AFL's drugs policy.

"That (no media interviews) will be the direction of the whole footy club for the whole year as Trav settles into SANFL and South Australian life and full-time work," said West Adelaide coach Andrew Collins, a former Hawthorn premiership teammate of Michael Tuck.

"We probably won't allow any media access to Trav for the year and I think that's understandable."

Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Hawthorn great Michael Tuck has urged clubs to give his son Travis a second chance after Travis was dropped from the Hawks following three positive drug tests by the AFL.

"He's made a mistake but he had a good year this year and he's getting himself fit and doing well," Michael Tuck said.

"I think he had a lot of footy left in him. He might have to work harder because he has to prove himself all over again but that's part of the deal."

Wednesday, 1 September 2010
The AFL tribunal has suspended Travis Tuck for 12 AFL matches after recording a third strike under the illicit drugs policy.

"The tribunal was satisfied that the player was guilty of engaging in conduct which was unbecoming or likely to prejudice the reputation or interests of the AFL or bring the game of football into disrepute, in breach of the rules," tribunal chairman John Hassett said when the penalty was handed down.

"The whole thrust of the policy is to look to the welfare of the player and it's in accordance with that policy that the tribunal has acted."

AFL football operations manager Adrian Anderson says Travis Tuck's drug use would not have been detected if confidentiality was not in place.

"After his first detection, he received medical treatment from his club doctor and other medical professionals, and on his second, he received additional medical support to which he's responded very well prior to this recent lapse," he said on Wednesday.

"That second opportunity is really an important one. If a club was required to know under the policy, this would never have been detected. The treatment Travis has been receiving over the last year has been fundamental to him being in the position he's in today.

"It could easily have been much worse if we had said to the players, 'The only way we can have this policy is to tell the presidents and coaches and CEOs'. There would be no policy and no detection."

Hawthorn has confirmed that Travis Tuck will continue to train with the club in the hope of securing a rookie list spot for 2011.

Tuck issues a statement saying he accepts responsibility for his actions that led to his 12-week suspension.

"I have been dealing with personal and medical issues for the past 12 months and following some intensive treatment I really felt that I had come a long way," Tuck said.

"Friday night was a big setback for me and I understand the anxiety it has caused my family, friends and the Hawthorn Football Club, and for that I am truly sorry. I know I have to keep working hard to deal with my issues and at times this will not be easy.

"This support and the ongoing structure in my life, along with the motivation to train and return to play will be a big part of my progress and my recovery."

Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Hawthorn has confirmed that one of its players was taken to hospital after an incident on Saturday morning.

Media have reported that the player is Travis Tuck who was found unconscious in his car in outer surburban Berwick.

"The player was discharged from hospital into the care of his family following an incident in the early hours of Saturday morning," Hawthorn chief executive Stuart Fox said.

"The club and the player's family will continue to support the player to ensure his personal health and welfare is secured. The club has notified the AFL of the incident and will keep them fully informed if any more information comes to light."

Travis Tuck will front the AFL tribunal on Tuesday night after admitting to a breach of the League's illicit drug policy and failing an illicit drugs test for the third time.

"Hawthorn Football Club has just been informed that the AFL has applied a third strike to Travis Tuck under the AFL illicit drug policy," a statement from the Hawks read.

"The club has also been advised that a tribunal hearing will determine his sanction this evening at a closed hearing at the AFL. The club will make further comment to its members at the conclusion of the hearing."

Monday, 20 April 2009
Travis Tuck and Stephen Gilham are likely to be back as Hawthorn try to regroup against West Coast in Launceston on Saturday.
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