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Ken Judge

Last played for Brisbane Bears in 1988
Born: January 15, 1958    
Playing Height: 183cm     Playing Weight: 82kg    
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Ken Judge Biography

Friday, 7 December 2018
Harry Morrison will wear the No.1 on his back next year in honour of his late godfather and former Hawthorn premiership player and coach Ken Judge.

Judge, who also played for Brisbane and coached West Coast, died almost three years ago on his 58th birthday after a long battle with cancer.

"As a club, we felt fans and members alike were ready to see the No.1 back out on the field," Hawks football boss Graham Wright said.

"Harry is a promising young player and a great clubman, and he's humbled to get the opportunity to share his godfather's jumper number."

Friday, 15 January 2016
Hawthorn premiership player and former Hawks and West Coast coach Ken Judge has died after a long battle with cancer.

He passed away on Friday morning - his 58th birthday.

Monday, 23 January 2012
Former Hawthorn player and coach Ken Judge is battling a relapse of a rare bone marrow cancer.

"I was told that I was likely to get it back, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon," Judge told the Sunday Herald Sun.

"It is a controllable disease, but this is a bit of a downer. I'm being positive and I'll start another chemo treatment next week and do it a couple of times a week for at least three months."

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