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Michael Mansfield

Last played for Carlton Blues in 2002
Born: August 8, 1971     Origin: St Josephs
Playing Height: 183cm     Playing Weight: 85kg     Position: Midfield
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Michael Mansfield Biography

Monday, 4 November 2013
Michael Mansfield reveals his resentment at being pushed out of Geelong by then new Cats CEO Brian Book.

"I just couldn't conceive how a born-and-bred Geelong person who'd given blood, sweat and tears for the club could be treated like that by a CEO who'd only been there for three months," Mansfield said.

"I didn't think 'Cooky' was worthy of making that decision on me.

"I was furious. I'd never been more upset at an individual. I had a long love affair with the club and Cooky just came along and broke my heart by forcing me away. I had some serious hatred for him.

"And it's probably the only time a CEO has sacked a player without any input from the footy department."

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Former Geelong star Michael Mansfield has aspirations of becoming a Cats board member and perhaps even an AFL commissioner.

"I've got aspirations to get on the Geelong board, but at the right time," Mansfield said.

"And then if things developed, maybe down the track (a role on) the AFL Commission is something I'd potentially look at, if it was appropriate and I felt I could offer something.

"It's a matter of balancing it up with time with family and the business. Life's so busy at the moment that I'm happy with it going along the way it is."

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