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Harrison Macreadie

Last played for Carlton Blues in 2019
Games: 9     Born: April 11, 1998     Origin: Henty
Playing Height: 198cm     Playing Weight: 92kg     Position: Defender
Drafted: Round 3, Pick #47 2016 National Draft by Carlton Blues
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Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Carlton delists Harrison Macreadie, Callum Moore, Cam Polson and Fraser Phillips.

"It has been an incredibly difficult period for these out-of-contract players but Harrison, Cameron, Fraser and Callum have been terrific with how they have handled the situation, which is a real credit to them," Carlton's football boss Brad Lloyd said.

"Their contributions to the club, not only as Carlton players but as Carlton people, were certainly valued. All four of them are quality people who really helped to create the sense of unity felt amongst the playing group this year, especially during the months spent together in the hub.

"We thank each of them for their hard work and dedication at Carlton."

Friday, 23 June 2017
Carlton has agreed to two-year contract extensions for first year defenders Tom Williamson and Harrison Macreadie, ensuring they will remain at the club until 2020.

"Harrison and Tom have both shown exciting signs after making their senior debuts this season. They are young and still developing their game but their attitude suggests they will continue to improve over the coming years," Carlton football manager Andrew McKay said.

Thursday, 23 March 2017
Harrison Macreadie makes his AFL debut for Carlton at the MCG with 6 disposals (3 kicks and 3 handballs), a mark and 4 tackles in a 43-point loss to Richmond.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Greater Western Sydney gave Carlton draftee Harrison Macreadie no indication about whether they would select him, despite having relocated the defender to Sydney at the start of 2016.

The Blues bid No.47 on Giants academy member Macreadie at the NAB AFL Draft last Friday and GWS opted not to match.

"We had a few conversations but they (the Giants) gave me nothing. They kept their cards pretty close to their chest," Macreadie said.

"I thought it was a bit 50/50, but I'm very happy to be a Carlton football player."

Friday, 25 November 2016
Carlton select Harrison Macreadie with pick No.47 in the 2016 National Draft.

"A 196cm centre half-back, who is a good runner and a good kick," Carlton list manager Stephen Silvagni said.

"He's an athlete and, like a lot of players, he's got some work to do, but he's got some talent."

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