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Hugh Dixon

Last played for West Coast Eagles in 2022
Games: 11     Born: February 26, 1999     Origin: Tigers Football Club
Playing Height: 196cm     Playing Weight: 96kg     Position: Forward, Ruck
First Drafted: Round 3, Pick #44 2017 National Draft by Fremantle Dockers
Last Drafted: 2022 SSP Recruit
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Hugh Dixon Biography

Wednesday, 21 September 2022
West Coast delist Jackson Nelson, Hugh Dixon and Tom Joyce.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Fremantle delists Brandon Matera, Hugh Dixon, Tom North, and Jarvis Pina.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Hugh Dixon and midfielder Tom North are cut from the Dockers' primary list but will be selected as rookies in the upcoming draft.
Sunday, 25 August 2019
Hugh Dixon makes his AFL debut for Fremantle at Adelaide Oval with 8 disposals (4 kicks and 4 handballs), 2 marks, 2 hitouts and a goal in a 43-point loss to Port Adelaide.
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Hugh Dixon signs a one-year contract extension on top of his initial two-year deal, which will see remain at Fremantle until the end of the 2020 season.

Dixon had an interrupted start to the season due to injury but has managed to play consistent footy for Peel Thunder in the past month, as they prepare to make a tilt for finals.

The 18-year-old says living with leadership group member and fellow Tasmanian, Alex Pearce has helped him with the frustration of being injured.

“Alex is a great role model to learn off,” Dixon said.

“Some of the stuff that he’s gone through throughout his football career and how resilient he’s been is absolutely outstanding.

“I had a lot of conversations with him while I was injured, more about where my headspace is at and that I was frustrated, and he could empathise with that.

“He was very helpful, I’ve got a lot of respect for Alex.”

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