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Ned McHenry

#25   Adelaide Crows
Age: 23yr 10mth    Games: 70     Born: July 13, 2000     Origin: Geelong Falcons
Height: 179cm     Weight: 81kg     Position: Forward
Drafted: Round 1, Pick #16 2018 National Draft by Adelaide Crows
Supercoach Price: $236,500   Supercoach Profile
AFL Fantasy Price: $398,000   AFL Fantasy Profile
Contract Status: Out of contract at the end of 2024   AFL Player Contracts
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Ned McHenry Biography

Saturday, 13 June 2020
Ned McHenry makes his AFL debut for Adelaide at Adelaide Oval with 12 disposals (6 kicks and 6 handballs), 3 marks and a tackle in a 75-point loss to Port Adelaide.
Friday, 27 December 2019
Crows forward Tom Lynch is convinced Ned McHenry is on the verge of making a big impact for Adelaide in 2020.

"McHenry's going to be an absolute star. He's one of the more competitive little blokes I've ever seen walk into a footy club," Lynch said of McHenry.

"He was trying to get his body right last season so he can consistently play, but once he was playing at SANFL level, he was stringing some really good games together. High numbers, high pressure, high contest and he's in for a big career."

Saturday, 23 November 2019
Chayce Jones and Ned McHenry have solidified their running dominance at Adelaide with a one-two finish in the Crows' 2km time trial.

"We've run a couple of times together, it's probably about even now," Jones said of his battle with McHenry.

"It's good competition and it makes you better."

Saturday, 20 April 2019
Adelaide draftee midfielder Ned McHenry will be monitored for concussion after being involved in a car accident.

McHenry had initially suffered a concussion last weekend playing in the SANFL. He had recovered and been cleared to play this weekend but has concussion symptoms and neck pain after the back of his car was run in to.

"Unfortunately, Ned was rear-ended in a motor vehicle accident on the way home after completing a session where he trained very well," Adelaide science and medical services coordinator Steve Saunders said.

"He has now reported neck and concussion symptoms. This is obviously disappointing given how well he had recovered.

"Ned is not available to play this weekend and will continue to be monitored closely by the medical team."

Friday, 23 November 2018
Adelaide select Ned McHenry with pick No.16 in the 2018 National Draft.

"He had a fantastic year for the Falcons and played really well last year in the TAC cup and was a really solid performer for Vic Country, so we think Ned can add a lot to our footy club," Adelaide recruiting manager Hamish Ogilvie said.

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