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Patrick Bines

Last played for West Coast Eagles in 2018
Born: February 5, 1999     Origin: East Brighton
Playing Height: 198cm     Playing Weight: 98kg     Position: Forward, Ruck
Drafted: 2019 Category B Rookie (3-year non-registered player - basketball)
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Patrick Bines Biography

Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Patrick Bines joins the Eagles as a Category B rookie.

The 19-year-old junior Melbourne Tiger turned down interest in his native state, and from Gold Coast, to pursue an AFL career in Perth instead.

"I prefer to go interstate as a personal preference, for a brand-new start and it's a really good lifestyle over there from what I've seen," Bines said.

"They've got a really good list there and there's some really good players I can learn from, so I'm just going to do the best I can and do all the extras."

Friday, 17 August 2018
West Coast signs basketballer Patrick Bines as a category B rookie.

Bines represented Australia at under-17 level and was a Vic Metro hoops teammate of first-year Eagles speedster Jack Petruccelle.

The athletic 19-year-old stands at 198cm and looms a forward/ruck prospect, but will have to come to grips with the sport again after last playing football seven years ago.

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