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Year Type Position Statistic Min Games
1990 AFL Player Rankings 1992 AFL Player Rankings
1991 AFL Rising Stars Disposals Per Game Leaders
Rank Player Team Games Average
1 Andrew Phillips Carlton 20 26.90
2 Simon Tregenza Adelaide 17 23.41
3 Michael James Carlton 12 21.42
4 Paul Hudson Hawthorn 25 21.08
5 Brett Ratten Carlton 20 20.45
6 Troy Lehmann Collingwood 13 20.31
7 Craig O'Brien Essendon 11 18.45
8 Matthew Liptak Adelaide 12 18.33
9 Chris Naish Richmond 21 17.95
10 Fraser Brown Carlton 7 17.43
11 Wayne Campbell Richmond 12 17.42
12 Glen Jakovich West Coast 16 17.00
13 Sean Simpson Geelong 21 16.81
14 Justin Staritski North Melbourne 16 16.75
15 Darren Forssman Geelong 9 16.67
16 Paul Williams Collingwood 19 16.37
17 Luke Beveridge Melbourne 21 16.19
18 Peter Filandia Essendon 12 16.17
19 Sean Bowden Richmond 1 16.00
20 Brendan McCormack Fitzroy 13 15.85
21 Ben Doolan Sydney 13 15.77
22 Michael Mansfield Geelong 16 15.75
23 Shayne Stevenson Fitzroy 7 15.71
24 Michael Johnston Hawthorn 2 15.50
25 Rod Keogh Melbourne 5 14.60
26 Paul Hills Essendon 14 14.57
27 Corey Bell Brisbane 8 14.25
28 Anthony Lovell Melbourne 5 14.20
29 Matthew Robran Hawthorn 7 14.14
30 Shaun Hart Brisbane 6 13.83
31 Gavin Wanganeen Essendon 18 13.56
32 Mark McQueen Richmond 5 13.40
33 Darren Cuthbertson Melbourne 16 13.38
34 Tony Malakellis Geelong 5 13.20
35 Brent Heaver Melbourne 3 13.00
35 Matthew Kelly Adelaide 1 13.00
37 Terry Keays Richmond 16 12.88
38 Rod Jameson Adelaide 19 12.84
39 Shaun Rehn Adelaide 6 12.83
40 Peter Worsfold Brisbane 10 12.70
41 Barry Standfield Western Bulldogs 5 12.60
42 Glenn Nugent Hawthorn 6 12.33
43 David Wearne Brisbane 8 12.25
44 Justin Charles Western Bulldogs 16 12.19
45 David Donato Fitzroy 12 12.17
46 Ang Christou Carlton 1 12.00
47 Simon Luhrs Brisbane 6 11.83
48 Robert Walker Richmond 3 11.67
49 Matthew Croft Western Bulldogs 5 11.40
49 Jeff Hilton St Kilda 5 11.40
51 Jamie Lawson Sydney 16 11.19
52 Dean Harding Fitzroy 12 11.17
53 Jamie Elliott Fitzroy 16 11.06
54 John Howat Melbourne 4 11.00
54 Greg Jones St Kilda 2 11.00
54 Mitchell White West Coast 2 11.00
54 Gordon Fode St Kilda 1 11.00
54 Peter White Carlton 1 11.00
59 Darren Wheildon Fitzroy 12 10.92
60 Andrew Johnston Fitzroy 3 10.67
61 Michael Sexton Carlton 13 10.31
62 Craig Nettelbeck Sydney 15 10.07
63 Stephen Paxman Fitzroy 16 10.06
64 Glenn Page Sydney 7 10.00
64 Ryan Turnbull West Coast 5 10.00
64 Andrew Ford Melbourne 4 10.00
64 Colin Alexander Collingwood 2 10.00
64 Jason McCartney Collingwood 2 10.00
64 Ty Esler Richmond 1 10.00
70 Justin McGrath Fitzroy 8 9.75
71 Adrian Burns Essendon 3 9.67
72 Andrew Wills Geelong 16 9.50
72 Frank Bizzotto Fitzroy 6 9.50
72 Tim McGrath North Melbourne 4 9.50
75 Scott Turner Richmond 22 9.45
75 Eddie Hocking Adelaide 11 9.45
77 Tim Allen St Kilda 5 9.20
78 David Schwarz Melbourne 6 9.17
78 Darren Tarczon Carlton 6 9.17
80 Ashley McIntosh West Coast 17 9.06
81 Jamie Grant Western Bulldogs 5 9.00
81 Gareth John Sydney 4 9.00
81 Peter Mann North Melbourne 2 9.00
84 Mark Neeld Geelong 21 8.81
85 Peter Caven Fitzroy 8 8.75
85 Matthew AhMat Brisbane 4 8.75
87 Mark Richardson Collingwood 9 8.44
88 Greg Madigan Hawthorn 10 8.40
89 Allister Scott Richmond 6 8.33
90 Shannon Corcoran Western Bulldogs 5 8.20
91 Fabian Francis Melbourne 1 8.00
91 Jason Millar Brisbane 1 8.00
93 Ray Windsor Brisbane 3 7.67
94 Ian Kidgell Brisbane 3 7.33
95 Ben Sexton Western Bulldogs 5 7.20
96 Andrew Cavedon Carlton 11 7.18
97 Darren Holmes Sydney 7 7.00
97 Alex McDonald Hawthorn 5 7.00
97 Darren Stanley Western Bulldogs 3 7.00
100 Chris O'Dwyer Sydney 3 6.67
101 Matthew Francis Richmond 2 6.00
101 Jason Smith Richmond 1 6.00
103 Nathan Bower Richmond 1 4.00
104 Brad Davis Fitzroy 4 3.50
104 Damien Murray North Melbourne 2 3.50
106 Jamie Bond Fitzroy 1 3.00
106 Stuart Maxfield Richmond 1 3.00
106 Brian Stanislaus Sydney 1 3.00
106 Cory Young West Coast 1 3.00
1990 AFL Player Rankings 1992 AFL Player Rankings
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