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2015 AFL Player Rankings 2017 AFL Player Rankings
2016 AFL Rising Stars Tackles Per Game Leaders
Rank Player Team Games Average
1 Brady Grey Fremantle 2 8.50
2 Brayden Fiorini Gold Coast 2 6.50
3 Will Snelling Port Adelaide 1 6.00
4 Josh Dunkley Western Bulldogs 17 5.76
5 James Rose Sydney 5 5.40
6 David Cuningham Carlton 3 5.33
7 Jarrod Garlett Gold Coast 8 4.88
8 Clayton Oliver Melbourne 13 4.77
9 Trent Dumont North Melbourne 12 4.58
10 Daniel Howe Hawthorn 11 4.55
11 Nathan Drummond Richmond 4 4.50
12 Jack Steele GWS 10 4.10
13 Darcy Tucker Fremantle 12 4.00
13 Corey Wagner North Melbourne 4 4.00
13 Kade Stewart Hawthorn 3 4.00
13 Billy Evans Brisbane 2 4.00
13 Jordan Foote Sydney 1 4.00
13 Malcolm Karpany West Coast 1 4.00
19 Ben Keays Brisbane 16 3.94
20 Jarrad Jansen Brisbane 7 3.86
21 Orazio Fantasia Essendon 19 3.79
22 Connor Blakely Fremantle 15 3.73
22 Rhys Mathieson Brisbane 11 3.73
24 Tom Papley Sydney 20 3.60
25 Brayden Maynard Collingwood 20 3.55
26 George Hewett Sydney 24 3.50
26 Joshua Schoenfeld Gold Coast 4 3.50
28 James Harmes Melbourne 19 3.42
29 Kyle Langford Essendon 17 3.41
30 Marc Pittonet Hawthorn 3 3.33
30 Archie Smith Brisbane 3 3.33
32 Darcy Parish Essendon 20 3.30
32 Jacob Hopper GWS 10 3.30
34 Caleb Daniel Western Bulldogs 24 3.29
34 Christian Petracca Melbourne 17 3.29
36 Lachlan Weller Fremantle 22 3.27
37 Daniel McKenzie St Kilda 9 3.22
38 Daniel Rioli Richmond 18 3.17
39 Blake Acres St Kilda 16 3.12
39 Jack Silvagni Carlton 8 3.12
41 Connor Menadue Richmond 14 3.07
42 Callum Ah Chee Gold Coast 16 3.06
43 Jade Gresham St Kilda 18 3.00
43 Corey Ellis Richmond 11 3.00
43 Jonathon Marsh Collingwood 10 3.00
43 Callum Moore Richmond 2 3.00
43 Reilly O'Brien Adelaide 2 3.00
43 Mitchell White Melbourne 2 3.00
43 Blake Hardwick Hawthorn 1 3.00
50 Jayden Laverde Essendon 9 2.89
51 Dougal Howard Port Adelaide 6 2.83
51 Tom Phillips Collingwood 6 2.83
53 Ed Langdon Fremantle 13 2.69
54 Mason Redman Essendon 3 2.67
55 Lukas Webb Western Bulldogs 5 2.60
56 Matthew Hammelmann Brisbane 9 2.56
57 Karl Amon Port Adelaide 15 2.53
57 Toby McLean Western Bulldogs 15 2.53
59 Caleb Marchbank GWS 2 2.50
60 Zaine Cordy Western Bulldogs 9 2.44
61 Jake Kolodjashnij Geelong 20 2.40
62 Darcy Byrne-Jones Port Adelaide 20 2.35
63 Jake Long Essendon 3 2.33
63 Jesse Palmer Port Adelaide 3 2.33
63 Reuben William Brisbane 3 2.33
63 Mackenzie Willis Gold Coast 3 2.33
67 Callum Mills Sydney 22 2.27
68 Michael Apeness Fremantle 5 2.20
69 Ryan Clarke North Melbourne 6 2.17
70 Jayden Hunt Melbourne 19 2.16
71 Wayne Milera Adelaide 8 2.12
72 Josh Clayton Brisbane 2 2.00
72 Riley Bonner Port Adelaide 1 2.00
74 James Sicily Hawthorn 22 1.95
75 Jayden Short Richmond 16 1.88
76 Jesse Joyce Gold Coast 11 1.82
77 Oscar McDonald Melbourne 15 1.80
78 Conor McKenna Essendon 12 1.75
78 Ryan Burton Hawthorn 4 1.75
78 Bailey Dale Western Bulldogs 4 1.75
81 Darcy Moore Collingwood 17 1.71
82 Bailey Williams Western Bulldogs 6 1.67
82 Aaron Francis Essendon 3 1.67
82 Matthew Kennedy GWS 3 1.67
85 Logan Austin Port Adelaide 11 1.64
86 Oleg Markov Richmond 8 1.62
87 Jason Castagna Richmond 5 1.60
88 Peter Wright Gold Coast 17 1.59
89 Liam Dawson Brisbane 7 1.57
90 Josh Schache Brisbane 17 1.53
91 Charlie Curnow Carlton 6 1.50
92 Tom Barrass West Coast 10 1.30
92 Ben Crocker Collingwood 10 1.30
94 Harrison Himmelberg GWS 4 1.25
95 Jacob Weitering Carlton 20 1.20
96 Eric Hipwood Brisbane 10 1.10
97 Tom Cole West Coast 2 1.00
97 Matthew Goodyear Collingwood 2 1.00
97 Mabior Chol Richmond 1 1.00
97 Kieran Collins Western Bulldogs 1 1.00
97 Jack Hiscox Sydney 1 1.00
97 Jack Leslie Gold Coast 1 1.00
97 Roarke Smith Western Bulldogs 1 1.00
104 Kieran Lovell Hawthorn 2 0.50
105 Patrick McCartin St Kilda 11 0.36
2015 AFL Player Rankings 2017 AFL Player Rankings
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