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❮ 2008 AFL Team Rankings 2010 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2009 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2009 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA AF SC
1 Bulldogs 25 5324 4724 10048 2615 386 282 1363 304 1512 859 421 398 41973 42585
2 Cats 25 5185 5253 10438 2614 380 285 1329 328 1590 955 514 469 42882 45104
3 Saints 25 5397 4408 9805 2715 352 234 1298 293 1829 954 484 421 43001 45093
4 Blues 23 4504 4132 8636 2204 348 226 1194 286 1442 820 433 392 36557 38957
5 Magpies 25 5277 4091 9368 2450 338 241 1298 328 1506 702 363 416 39504 41787
6 Crows 24 4630 4901 9531 2405 344 232 1234 284 1407 941 398 451 38816 40871
7 Lions 24 4544 3825 8369 2277 322 226 1207 252 1552 782 393 391 36463 38996
8 Bombers 23 4366 4090 8456 2198 313 215 1117 272 1517 659 386 391 35917 37807
9 Power 22 4375 3832 8207 2095 290 211 1038 250 1256 878 423 383 34194 34921
10 Hawks 22 4104 4089 8193 2055 285 199 1092 252 1390 862 452 510 33924 35002
11 Eagles 22 4168 4008 8176 1923 272 174 1052 261 1199 757 423 400 32912 34493
12 Swans 22 4117 3505 7622 1929 278 193 1017 220 1473 981 379 426 32977 36583
13 Tigers 22 4178 3934 8112 2162 255 186 980 244 1311 633 377 392 33704 35081
14 Dockers 22 4082 3553 7635 2006 254 186 1005 223 1268 870 367 395 32201 33962
15 Demons 22 4270 3728 7998 2225 252 163 999 194 1231 719 369 365 33537 33861
16 Kangaroos 22 4314 3450 7764 2166 244 143 995 216 1487 879 428 381 34097 35879
❮ 2008 AFL Team Rankings 2010 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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