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Clay Cameron

Last played for Gold Coast Suns in 2016
Games: 23     Born: May 27, 1994     Origin: Mt Gravatt
Playing Height: 191cm     Playing Weight: 86kg     Position: Defender, Forward
Drafted: Round 3, Pick #58 2012 National Draft by Gold Coast Suns
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Clay Cameron Biography

Friday, 28 October 2016
Gold Coast delist Keegan Brooksby, Clay Cameron, Henry Schade and Cameron Loersch ahead of what looms as a lucrative NAB AFL Draft for the club.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Clay Cameron makes his AFL debut for Gold Coast with 7 disposals (5 kicks and 2 handballs), a mark and 4 tackles in a 18-point win over Richmond.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
After impressing in the pre-season, Clay Cameron is selected to make his AFL debut in the Suns' season opener against Richmond along with South Australian Sean Lemmens.

"Coming from being drafted this year I thought it (round one selection) might be out of reach, but I've done everything within my power to put my hand up and I was lucky enough the coaches thought I was ready to go," Lemmens said.

Sunday, 2 March 2014
Gold Coast backline coach Dean Solomon says young defender Clay Cameron is close to making his AFL after two strong showings during the NAB Challenge.

"(He's) very close (to round one)," Solomon said.

"His last two weeks have been sensational. He embraces the contest, loves the contest, he's rarely beaten one-on-one. He's definitely put his hand up."

Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Zac Smith, Trent McKenzie and Seb Tape are among five Gold Coast players who have signed contract extensions.

The trio - all inaugural members of the squad - have been joined by Queenslanders Jackson Allen and Clay Cameron.

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