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Collingwood Magpies
Match Type Home/Away
  Collingwood Magpies Crowds and Attendances AFL Attendances By Year  
Year Games Total Average
2024 23 1,367,002 59,435
2023 26 1,675,152 64,429
2022 25 1,312,330 52,493
2021 16 510,692 31,918
2019 24 1,378,926 57,455
2018 26 1,439,650 55,371
2017 22 1,003,991 45,636
2016 22 972,219 44,192
2015 22 1,054,966 47,953
2014 22 1,048,235 47,647
2013 23 1,236,343 53,754
2012 25 1,415,870 56,635
2011 25 1,523,987 60,959
2010 26 1,661,843 63,917
2009 25 1,423,603 56,944
2008 24 1,361,689 56,737
2007 25 1,432,878 57,315
2006 23 1,249,266 54,316
2005 22 1,003,829 45,629
2004 22 977,624 44,437
2003 25 1,342,834 53,713
2002 25 1,323,655 52,946
2001 22 1,083,203 49,236
2000 22 951,346 43,243
1999 22 886,750 40,307
1998 22 1,041,431 47,338
1997 22 1,102,961 50,135
1996 22 924,919 42,042
1995 22 1,033,444 46,975
1994 23 1,071,343 46,580
1993 20 888,130 44,406
1992 23 1,106,678 48,116
1991 22 711,258 32,330
1990 26 1,159,090 44,580
1989 23 795,124 34,571
1988 24 939,421 39,143
1987 22 536,569 24,390
1986 22 655,251 29,784
1985 22 629,159 28,598
1984 25 931,095 37,244
1983 22 802,179 36,463
1982 22 636,425 28,928
1981 26 1,195,649 45,986
1980 26 1,089,579 41,907
1979 26 1,088,720 41,874
1978 25 980,584 39,223
1977 25 1,024,403 40,976
1976 22 584,809 26,582
1975 23 665,710 28,944
1974 24 768,482 32,020
1973 24 799,821 33,326
1972 24 835,302 34,804
1971 23 821,752 35,728
1970 24 884,232 36,843
1969 22 768,062 34,912
1968 20 474,736 23,737
1967 19 636,070 33,477
1966 20 766,579 38,329
1965 20 785,873 39,294
TOTAL 1361 59,772,723 43,918
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