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2022 All-Australian Selection  
AFL 2023 All-Australian Team
  FB J Sicily HAW C Wilkie STK T Stewart GEEL
  HB J Sinclair STK D Moore COLL D Houston PORT
  C E Gulden SYD M Bontempelli WB (VC) J Daicos COLL
  HF C Rozee PORT T Walker ADEL C Petracca MELB
  FF C Cameron BL C Curnow CARL T Greene GWS (C)
  Fol T English WB Z Butters PORT N Daicos COLL
  Int J Dawson ADEL N Larkey NM Z Merrett ESS
   C Serong FRE
  Coach C McRae COLL
Also nominated in initial 44-man Squad (excluded in Final 22)
  Team Players
  Brisbane 3 Harris Andrews, Joe Daniher, Lachie Neale
  Carlton 2 Patrick Cripps, Jacob Weitering
  Collingwood 2 Jordan De Goey, Isaac Quaynor
  Essendon 2 Kyle Langford, Mason Redman
  Fremantle 2 Luke Jackson, Luke Ryan
  GWS 2 Stephen Coniglio, Tom Green
  Hawthorn 2 Luke Breust, Jai Newcombe
  Gold Coast 1 Noah Anderson
  Melbourne 1 Jack Viney
  Richmond 1 Dustin Martin
  St Kilda 1 Rowan Marshall
  Sydney 1 Nick Blakey
  West Coast 1 Oscar Allen
  Western Bulldogs 1 Thomas Liberatore
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