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❮ 2006 AFL Team Rankings 2008 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2007 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2007 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA AF SC
1 Cats 25 5288 4303 9591 2667 430 303 1441 373 1449 933 547 487 41154 45165
2 Power 25 5004 3690 8694 2518 372 254 1280 327 1263 849 475 467 37411 41913
3 Kangaroos 25 4726 3602 8328 2135 341 213 1274 326 1376 836 486 433 35604 40802
4 Magpies 25 5515 2699 8214 2705 328 223 1295 345 1455 715 475 470 37890 41607
5 Eagles 24 4903 4311 9214 2427 332 229 1234 307 1253 850 489 410 37967 42011
6 Hawks 24 4784 3738 8522 2706 328 244 1265 294 1117 800 436 493 36390 39438
7 Dockers 22 4472 3274 7746 2364 333 239 1128 256 1142 666 396 426 33609 36382
8 Bombers 22 4662 2973 7635 2483 320 206 1130 264 1069 576 421 405 33559 35764
9 Blues 22 4341 2925 7266 2167 312 192 1141 295 1154 596 424 394 31919 34577
10 Swans 23 4587 2822 7409 2296 310 223 1132 258 1296 935 426 528 33310 39154
11 Bulldogs 22 4537 3121 7658 2430 308 212 1109 263 1135 596 394 422 33450 34956
12 Lions 22 4111 3124 7235 2038 283 208 1137 288 1275 637 425 383 31620 35764
13 Crows 23 4633 3618 8251 2415 285 189 1158 273 1181 702 375 434 34794 38013
14 Tigers 22 4424 3108 7532 2501 285 200 1066 248 987 474 382 421 32438 35039
15 Demons 22 4326 2954 7280 2166 273 179 1052 252 1232 751 417 414 32064 34598
16 Saints 22 4398 2694 7092 2284 267 187 1096 272 1158 657 461 414 31762 35515
❮ 2006 AFL Team Rankings 2008 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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