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❮ 2007 AFL Team Rankings 2009 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2008 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2008 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA AF SC
1 Cats 25 5292 5016 10308 2686 432 321 1445 371 1491 954 603 508 42817 45809
2 Hawks 25 5064 4312 9376 2858 408 289 1298 346 1280 778 492 588 39745 42907
3 Bulldogs 25 5408 3977 9385 2804 405 272 1311 312 1280 730 478 498 40089 42609
4 Magpies 24 5179 2985 8164 2541 359 239 1243 310 1303 697 436 470 36445 39839
5 Saints 25 5112 3650 8762 2765 343 242 1193 299 1346 806 501 523 38346 41426
6 Swans 24 4600 3407 8007 2305 328 231 1185 306 1438 857 507 543 35234 40856
7 Tigers 22 4627 3656 8283 2631 331 228 1082 242 1072 563 425 462 35161 37516
8 Blues 22 4499 3341 7840 2349 323 212 1151 279 1128 538 443 441 33531 36250
9 Kangaroos 23 4267 3377 7644 2119 321 203 1133 270 1187 714 461 424 32692 37579
10 Lions 22 3996 3047 7043 1920 306 217 1134 320 1292 673 431 406 30970 34951
11 Bombers 22 4170 3136 7306 2009 315 211 1071 240 1201 614 430 425 31446 34687
12 Power 22 4210 3573 7783 2127 309 225 1042 264 1193 881 430 489 32821 35351
13 Crows 23 4769 3625 8394 2441 301 205 1130 305 1235 789 492 433 35843 38584
14 Dockers 22 4222 3238 7460 2203 287 185 1088 266 1114 793 457 422 32110 34895
15 Eagles 22 4244 3398 7642 2127 236 136 997 254 1092 792 483 371 32046 33672
16 Demons 22 4359 3564 7923 2422 234 169 949 225 1165 756 417 452 33517 33761
❮ 2007 AFL Team Rankings 2009 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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