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❮ 2009 AFL Team Rankings 2011 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2010 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2010 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Cats 25 5364 5228 10592 2693 413 291 1353 333 1631 926 491 488 898 1113 864 43861 45257
2 Magpies 26 5662 4232 9894 2505 395 280 1478 399 1945 838 448 447 939 1126 840 43374 45843
3 Bulldogs 25 5523 4235 9758 2625 348 244 1321 289 1504 863 473 399 912 1123 870 41392 42157
4 Dockers 24 4444 3817 8261 2082 339 207 1185 294 1637 944 465 442 824 1068 819 36107 38303
5 Blues 23 4645 3813 8458 2191 328 218 1192 269 1632 873 451 446 855 1055 759 36829 38712
6 Saints 26 5565 4672 10237 2810 326 219 1250 270 1798 906 450 504 873 1170 842 43692 45065
7 Swans 24 4802 3950 8752 2184 317 226 1177 286 1606 977 469 472 905 1029 811 37443 41448
8 Hawks 23 4581 3533 8114 2166 305 190 1167 278 1623 830 470 512 795 1074 727 35632 37996
9 Bombers 22 4218 3862 8080 1978 277 175 1068 268 1623 737 431 413 751 973 763 34609 35669
10 Kangaroos 22 4251 3806 8057 1958 279 169 1070 256 1424 829 425 419 693 971 756 33818 34701
11 Demons 22 4389 3818 8207 2024 272 173 1045 231 1518 866 443 441 752 1016 816 34752 35970
12 Lions 22 4389 3557 7946 2166 254 167 1093 251 1499 729 370 445 699 1061 822 34266 34722
13 Eagles 22 4278 3579 7857 1981 255 151 1054 243 1383 916 489 409 783 1028 716 33368 34311
14 Crows 22 4294 3838 8132 2178 250 158 1098 263 1348 808 382 404 760 946 649 34169 35289
15 Power 22 4312 3378 7690 1806 252 155 1036 237 1560 745 487 430 803 1006 669 32998 35132
16 Tigers 22 4047 3391 7438 1773 246 109 1034 238 1428 630 421 459 799 993 724 31291 33415
❮ 2009 AFL Team Rankings 2011 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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