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❮ 2010 AFL Team Rankings 2012 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2011 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2011 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Cats 25 5364 4204 9568 2404 426 278 1493 326 1728 996 525 540 903 1267 778 41351 43657
2 Magpies 25 5797 3868 9665 2330 415 252 1514 333 1799 826 505 467 1025 1164 850 41996 44271
3 Hawks 25 5800 4063 9863 2677 382 274 1369 317 1692 1018 500 545 935 1259 792 42765 44855
4 Blues 24 5340 3641 8981 2355 356 242 1305 336 1712 1014 475 437 966 1034 792 39802 42463
5 Eagles 25 5132 3742 8874 2187 356 203 1325 331 1775 1245 548 479 998 1113 750 39293 42419
6 Bombers 23 4755 3502 8257 1978 340 219 1248 264 1634 953 469 496 896 1079 762 35924 37946
7 Kangaroos 22 4420 3330 7750 1754 304 200 1193 282 1481 915 472 446 861 1069 770 33215 36091
8 Tigers 22 4352 3364 7716 1799 300 180 1104 269 1424 729 443 489 810 1013 786 32599 35535
9 Swans 24 4845 3227 8072 1750 292 173 1289 313 1894 1022 494 498 1037 1134 858 35839 39921
10 Bulldogs 22 4343 3488 7831 1718 306 215 1106 224 1515 758 426 420 846 1057 825 33158 35143
11 Demons 22 4342 3435 7777 1911 286 190 1077 258 1521 962 399 434 805 1012 795 33701 35741
12 Saints 23 4757 3717 8474 2169 283 199 1148 250 1604 821 449 491 793 1128 840 36328 38700
13 Lions 22 4296 3262 7558 1832 264 177 1021 230 1506 940 425 447 790 1055 846 32733 34397
14 Dockers 22 4142 3545 7687 1784 254 158 1048 267 1604 913 445 420 808 1018 732 33120 35621
15 Crows 22 4384 3549 7933 1990 252 161 1084 230 1381 983 428 448 796 1047 726 33513 35074
16 Power 22 4269 3088 7357 1804 255 167 947 188 1425 688 496 417 790 1076 799 31705 33079
17 Suns 22 4052 3501 7553 1625 214 127 1012 250 1354 642 405 404 844 1030 768 30778 32173
❮ 2010 AFL Team Rankings 2012 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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