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❮ 2011 AFL Team Rankings 2013 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2012 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2012 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Hawks 25 5446 3924 9370 2255 435 294 1490 382 1687 993 482 467 1041 1088 742 40712 44273
2 Crows 25 5429 3335 8764 2275 388 270 1304 315 1458 1095 434 456 1006 1096 841 38368 42299
3 Swans 25 5108 4125 9233 1876 376 248 1361 292 1830 1059 462 459 1005 1140 935 39141 42950
4 Eagles 24 5005 3591 8596 2272 360 220 1291 306 1403 1228 532 432 927 1008 726 37487 41626
5 Kangaroos 23 4674 3775 8449 1998 360 224 1267 265 1366 910 424 453 879 1082 762 35375 38529
6 Magpies 25 5481 3750 9231 2294 340 222 1307 323 1625 905 410 410 965 1088 893 39707 42244
7 Saints 22 4730 3139 7869 2099 345 218 1184 277 1483 743 404 396 821 1009 707 34954 37464
8 Cats 23 4806 3380 8186 2126 333 223 1281 291 1638 856 444 479 824 1104 697 36190 38611
9 Tigers 22 4687 3689 8376 2027 311 197 1242 303 1365 860 440 410 835 998 652 35165 38061
10 Dockers 24 5071 3422 8493 2274 311 210 1178 257 1666 1078 469 441 882 1081 752 37840 40866
11 Bombers 22 4666 3099 7765 2003 299 202 1225 297 1345 942 418 403 798 1027 774 33773 35900
12 Blues 22 4625 3228 7853 1975 299 187 1165 285 1520 937 398 419 867 986 651 34435 37024
13 Lions 22 4403 3313 7716 1890 279 172 1048 230 1393 749 398 446 808 1097 817 32745 35356
14 Power 22 4180 3300 7480 1777 243 150 1010 233 1309 774 471 426 831 1076 753 31306 34278
15 Demons 22 4202 3022 7224 1832 224 127 995 236 1467 904 409 453 743 1055 779 31506 33608
16 Bulldogs 22 4460 3671 8131 1919 218 143 1062 234 1336 950 383 392 857 981 737 33476 34993
17 Suns 22 4101 3404 7505 1787 215 162 931 219 1188 661 382 409 751 1070 731 30508 32554
18 Giants 22 4208 3342 7550 1789 182 123 841 178 1277 795 478 438 773 1069 854 30977 32463
❮ 2011 AFL Team Rankings 2013 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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