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❮ 2012 AFL Team Rankings 2014 AFL Team Rankings ❯
  2013 Statistics Sorted by Points Scored 2013 Team Statistics Ladder  
 Rk  Team Gm K HB D M G GA I50 BH T HO FF FA CL CG R50 AF SC
1 Hawks 25 5408 3930 9338 2259 414 286 1392 323 1613 1023 453 453 957 1053 772 40180 43508
2 Cats 25 5152 4101 9253 2272 390 260 1440 334 1650 881 486 407 856 1084 783 39820 42659
3 Swans 25 5078 4149 9227 1768 363 247 1339 277 1778 1181 430 434 1052 1147 911 38662 42241
4 Kangaroos 22 4761 3268 8029 2064 342 217 1125 255 1289 972 445 388 862 948 728 34666 38136
5 Blues 24 5006 3145 8151 1945 330 231 1267 323 1514 1059 404 394 956 1032 785 35710 39745
6 Dockers 25 5390 3690 9080 2434 336 233 1193 267 1647 1017 455 488 916 1133 794 39680 42364
7 Tigers 23 5070 3349 8419 2259 325 218 1203 300 1289 818 430 425 864 1032 763 36007 39617
8 Power 24 4832 3849 8681 2072 322 224 1224 286 1592 926 447 456 898 1132 745 36945 39606
9 Magpies 23 4985 3728 8713 2250 319 234 1263 297 1506 720 379 365 807 1028 738 37339 39549
10 Bombers 22 4898 3371 8269 2213 312 216 1208 273 1331 882 347 364 822 949 731 35624 36792
11 Crows 22 4780 3312 8092 2085 297 193 1170 282 1286 854 425 388 811 958 743 34485 36501
12 Eagles 22 4492 3114 7606 1924 295 198 1057 268 1512 1040 443 362 865 945 716 33893 35906
13 Bulldogs 22 4363 3727 8090 1676 283 188 1121 228 1455 960 427 435 921 987 704 33359 36203
14 Lions 22 4336 3204 7540 1819 276 194 1117 266 1398 836 395 460 785 1042 782 32179 35204
15 Suns 22 4398 3323 7721 1792 276 196 1091 262 1326 695 349 377 839 1014 768 32313 35096
16 Saints 22 4508 3382 7890 2037 251 184 1020 245 1244 744 355 394 744 1049 762 33003 35601
17 Giants 22 4242 3121 7363 1869 221 137 876 198 1297 824 394 425 798 1102 803 31183 32216
18 Demons 22 3999 3009 7008 1816 209 130 881 201 1343 919 414 415 722 991 777 30344 32160
❮ 2012 AFL Team Rankings 2014 AFL Team Rankings ❯
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