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Collingwood Magpies
1982 Magpies Player Rankings 1984 Magpies Player Rankings
Year Type Position Statistic Min Games
1983 Collingwood Handballs Per Game Leaders
Rank Name Games Average
1 Tony Shaw 22 9.82
2 Michael Richardson 21 8.48
3 Bill Picken 20 7.30
4 Ray Byrne 18 7.22
5 John Annear 20 7.20
6 Michael Taylor 22 7.18
7 Phillip Walsh 22 7.05
8 Greg Phillips 20 6.60
9 Geoff Raines 8 6.12
10 Murray Browne 10 6.10
11 Shane Morwood 14 6.07
12 Gary Shaw 8 6.00
13 David Cloke 22 5.77
14 Mark Williams 22 5.23
15 David Twomey 7 5.14
16 Carl Herbert 3 5.00
17 Ricky Barham 16 4.81
18 Craig Stewart 12 4.75
19 Tony Beers 3 4.67
20 Rene Kink 17 4.29
21 Mark Hannebery 19 3.95
22 Peter Daicos 17 3.94
23 Denis Banks 6 3.83
24 Wes Fellowes 13 3.62
25 Chris Dalkin 5 3.60
26 Mark Lawson 4 3.25
27 Allan Edwards 5 3.20
28 Stuart Atkin 2 3.00
28 Tommy Floyd 5 3.00
28 Mark Weideman 5 3.00
28 Brett Cooper 1 3.00
32 Geoff Miles 14 2.93
33 Craig Davis 8 2.88
34 Graeme Allan 5 2.80
35 Andrew Smith 3 2.67
36 Derek Shaw 6 2.50
37 Peter McCormack 8 2.38
38 Noel Lovell 6 2.17
39 Tony Kelly 5 2.00
39 Greg Fyffe 1 2.00
41 Graham Teasdale 1 1.00
42 Anthony Russell 3 0.33
1982 Magpies Player Rankings 1984 Magpies Player Rankings
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