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Essendon Bombers
2004 Bombers Player Rankings 2006 Bombers Player Rankings
Year Type Position Statistic Min Games
2005 Essendon Goals Per Game Leaders
Rank Name Games Average
1 Matthew Lloyd 20 2.95
2 Scott Lucas 22 2.32
3 Mark Johnson 22 1.32
4 Andrew Lovett 20 1.25
5 James Hird 17 1.00
6 Angus Monfries 12 0.92
7 Rick Dyson 10 0.90
8 David Hille 13 0.77
9 Brent Stanton 19 0.68
10 Adam McPhee 14 0.64
11 Jason Laycock 13 0.62
12 Damian Cupido 11 0.55
12 Jason Johnson 22 0.55
14 Jay Nash 2 0.50
14 Henry Slattery 4 0.50
16 Nathan Lovett-Murray 17 0.41
17 Jobe Watson 5 0.40
18 Mark McVeigh 21 0.33
18 Jason Winderlich 12 0.33
20 Mark Bolton 16 0.31
21 Ted Richards 10 0.30
21 Aaron Henneman 10 0.30
23 Dean Solomon 16 0.25
23 Tristan Cartledge 4 0.25
25 Justin Murphy 17 0.24
26 Kepler Bradley 19 0.21
27 Damien Peverill 21 0.19
28 Paul Thomas 8 0.12
29 Andrew Welsh 21 0.10
30 Dean Rioli 11 0.09
2004 Bombers Player Rankings 2006 Bombers Player Rankings
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