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St Kilda Saints
2015 Saints Player Rankings 2017 Saints Player Rankings
Year Type Position Statistic Min Games
2016 St Kilda AFL Fantasy Score Per Game Leaders
Rank Name Games Average
1 Nick Riewoldt 21 110.48
2 Jack Steven 22 104.36
3 Sebastian Ross 22 98.41
4 Leigh Montagna 22 98.00
5 Jack Newnes 22 88.59
6 David Armitage 22 85.77
7 Jack Billings 17 79.35
8 Tom Hickey 20 78.05
9 Shane Savage 21 75.33
10 Tim Membrey 17 74.41
11 Maverick Weller 22 73.55
12 Blake Acres 16 71.44
13 Dylan Roberton 18 69.89
14 Luke Dunstan 18 68.83
15 Jade Gresham 18 61.06
16 Sam Gilbert 22 60.86
17 Josh Bruce 22 60.68
18 Jimmy Webster 11 59.00
19 Jarryn Geary 21 57.57
20 Sam Fisher 12 57.50
21 Sean Dempster 19 56.21
22 Jack Sinclair 9 54.33
23 Darren Minchington 13 53.77
24 Daniel McKenzie 9 53.11
25 Brodie Murdoch 2 50.00
26 Jack Lonie 10 49.00
27 Thomas Lee 4 46.75
28 Nathan Wright 10 46.40
29 Jason Holmes 2 46.00
30 Eli Templeton 2 42.00
31 Patrick McCartin 11 41.00
32 Brandon White 1 40.00
33 Luke Delaney 4 35.25
34 Lewis Pierce 1 32.00
35 Hugh Goddard 1 1.00
2015 Saints Player Rankings 2017 Saints Player Rankings
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